This and many other statements you can read on advertisement, in workout magazines and health websites! In my eyes, this is a load of crap and a huge money maker! To be fair, fantastic marketing behind it
Do you know what gives you superpowers & super stamina?
Do you really think it's that supplement from a muscle store for x amount of $$$$? Or that super overpriced tiny little bag of Acai to mix in your drink or sprinkle on your Müesli?
Is it an Energy drink or a Chocolate bar that keeps you going?
No! Fact is, if you wanna get fit you gotta work for it! There is no pill and no fancy product on the market that makes you fit & superhuman!
Want Power & Stamina- train for it & eat right!
Want to build muscle- train for it & eat right!
Want to work on your body fat ratio- train for it & eat right!!!!!!
Fuel your body with the right fuel and it will take you for the long run, trust me!
To all Moto X enthusiasts out there:
Would you put Diesel in your bike?
Would you put canola oil into your Engine?
Would you wash it with Dishwasher liquid?
No, you wouldn't! A bike is precious, its expensive. You take care of your bike as good as you can, you treat it like your best friend- because you want to stay safe!
So why, why would you not take care of your body? The one that is riding the bike? Why not?
Why would you fuel it up with cheap crap, instead of homemade non processed food?
Why would you drink drinks loaded with Sugars and chemical compounds you can't even read out loud without hesitation?
And why would you feed this to your children if you really care about them?
You wouldn't put it in your bike, would you?????
Real food doesn't mean it needs to cost a fortune! Cheap super foods you'll find everywhere! A Pumpkin for example or a Cabbage- affordable and very versatile super food right there!
If you need more ideas about healthy food choices, join the Facebook page Powerfuel- wholefood ideas for every budget, and check out how the ARRZ racing team eats!