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Writer's pictureAmira Schmid

Have you started snacking yet?

Snacks, recess, morning & afternoon tea, you name it, we eat it all!

Today I will share one of my favourite recipes with all of you, because it's simple, easy, cheap, full of fibre, without any refind sugars and super yummy!

It's the one bar, where 1 is simply never enough!

It's nice being able to say yes to a second or even a third serve to the kids, without getting anxious about how much crap they are stuffing in! my kids eat lots- in fact so much that I need to buy more chicken food then ever as we never have scraps or leftovers!

But if you give them the good stuff, they can! ( and so can you😜)

I usually make double or triple the amount of the following recipe, but here the "normal" amount:

1/2 cup (soaked in hot water) dates

1 1/2 cup Oates

1 cup Shredded Coconut

1/2 cup coconut oil ( melted)

2 Tbsp Nutbutter ( we love Almond)

2 Tbsp Chia Seeds ( optimal)

3 Tbsp Cacao

1 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste

Drain dates and put them with the Oats into food processor! Mix until smooth! Add all other ingredients- combine until sticky mixture!

Now either press them into a tin ( cut them into slices when set) or roll into balls! Place in fridge for 30 min and they are ready to gobble up. Able to store in airtight container in fridge for a week, but we never ever have them longer then 3 days! ( and remember, I make double or triple batch)

This is Powerfuel right here!

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